At least 1,000 or so folks showed up to support beloved bassist and quirky human, Harlan Kubos. We raised $30,000 toward his hospital bills! Here's the story:
Harlan was diagnosed with a very serious blood infection last year, and spent months in the hospital. Many times, we weren't sure if he would make it out alive. His friends and the music community kept the good thoughts flowing. Like the trooper he is, Harlan pulled through and is recovering, still quick-witted, hilarious, and playing the bass solid as ever!
Now let me tell you about one of the sweetest souls I know. Harlan was my very first friend in the Western Swing community. I was a young and green girl of fifteen, hardly knew anyone, and I had been invited to perform a little at the Snyder Western Swing Festival. Imagine a gawky kid walking around in a cowboy hat and a giant accordion on her back. Ha! Well I passed by Harlan and he said "Hey kid, whatcha got on your back?" I told him it was an accordion, and in true Harlan fashion he said "Well s**t. Can you play it?" I told him 'absolutely.' He said "Well s**t. Let's go jam on a tune!!" He took me backstage, as he was about to play a set with The River Road Boys, and he asked if I knew "Route 66." Well, as soon as he pulled out his bass, I knew we were going to become great friends - it was covered in stickers of bands I loved, like Hot Club of Cowtown and Asleep At The Wheel! The friendship was sealed, and he has been a supportive friend, musical mentor, jam partner, and all around fun compadre to me, my brother, and my whole family. I'm so glad he's recovering well!
If you'd like to contribute, check out Harlan's GoFundMe page here:
Thanks for reading!!